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What folks are saying about Sensible Shoes:
A good read for fireplace reading with a glass of wine
Cindy is a personal friend and I loved getting to read her book. I could see in Tess a lot of what I know about Cindy. (Write what you know.) A great read coming out in the dead of winter. Perfect for a fireplace, an afghan, and a glass of wine.
A must-read for fans of women’s fiction
I couldn’t put this book down and stayed up two nights in a row to finish it. An expert storyteller, Ms. Causey writes with passion and skill, bringing the topsy-turvy world of the protagonist, Tess Thomason, to life. I found myself rooting for Tess as she embarked on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, all while navigating an avalanche of challenges—from a surprise pregnancy and a revolving door of house-guests to complicated romantic entanglements. All of this unfolds against the backdrop of Thanksgiving and a whirlwind wedding. Even days after finishing, I’m still marveling at the twists and turns in Tess’s remarkable story. Sensible Shoes is beautifully written and a must-read for fans of women’s fiction.
If you are looking for a new read y’all grab my friend Cindy Ubben Causey’s new book! I picked it up took it home sat down opened it up and was completely sucked into the world Cindy created. Real characters that I instantly felt like were my dear friends! I actual laughed at one point out loud and startled my own self.
I am in awe of this ability to spin a tale and hope there is more to come about Tess’s life!
I’m about to start Chapter 4. Boy, have you nailed it! Point after point, I’m nodding, yep. Yep. That too. One would think we grew up in the same place, at the same time and knew all the same people. On to Chapter 5….
Looking for lighthearted female fiction to begin the new year? Check out Cindy Causey’s new book.
I fell in love with the characters and was totally invested in them
I wasn’t ready for the story to end! Funny, wise, and a delight to read. It is filled with relatable characters, family chaos, deep friendships, a mystery man, and a touch of romance. Tess is my new favorite character!
It left me wanting more of Tess and Roger.